

Commercialista e Consulente del lavoro a Spinea

Via Gorizia 1/A
30038 Spinea (Venezia)

Tel.: +39 041 5411320 Fax: +39 041 995317

Orari di apertura:
08:30 – 13:00 | 15:00 – 18:30

Commercialista e Consulente del lavoro a Mestre

Via Torino, 151/B
30174 Mestre (VE)

Tel.: +39 041 8504711 Fax: +39 041 8504714

Orari di apertura:
08:30 – 13:00 | 15:00 – 18:30

Commercialista e Consulente del lavoro a Venezia

San Polo, 2961
30125 Venezia (VE)

Tel.: +39 041 4585779

Orari di apertura:
Su appuntamento

Personnel Management

Personnel Management according to Casagrande Consulting

Personnel management, hiring and firing constitute a physiological and essential component of the life of the company and the professional firm. In relation to these dynamics, issues related to the timeliness of communications with institutions, bound by the new telematic modalities provided for by law, should not be underestimated: inaccurate or late actions on the part of the employer could result in a dangerous cone of shadow. One of our labor consultants in Venice, Mestre or Spinea will assist you by shielding you from these risks.
An employment consulting service carried out externally quickly and flexibly, adapted to the needs expressed from time to time, allows the company not only to free up important resources, but also to have extremely competent and specialized support in the management of aspects that form the backbone of a company’s costs, performance and professionalism.
The employment consulting firm in Mestre, Venice and Spinea Casagrande Consulting offers in this area a service that, in addition to being highly professional, guarantees compliance with appropriate ethics, consonant with the confidentiality imposed by the processing of personal data.

Our personnel management consulting services

Casagrande Consulting offers comprehensive and professional employment consulting: a quick, targeted and effective response to all personnel management issues. In fact, our clients are assisted by a qualified employment consultant, and have at their disposal a wide range of services:

  • Indication of contract types best suited to the needs of enterprises and workers
  • Conducting procedures related to recruitment and termination of employment relationships
  • Assistance in labor disputes
  • Payroll processing
  • Fulfillment of labor obligations
  • Employment counseling in all aspects related to employee personnel management

Why turn to the accounting firm Casagrande Consulting

Finding an accountant firm that suits one’s needs is not a simple undertaking: the accountant is a person with whom it is necessary to build an ongoing relationship of trust and collaboration, and from whom professionalism in carrying out assignments, experience in the many facets of the field and transparency in the relationship are required.
Transparency, experience and professionalism are precisely the three pillars on which Casagrande Consulting is founded. Three reasons to rely on us if you are looking for an accountant firm in Mestre, Venice or Spinea.


For Casagrande Consulting, transparency is not just a value, but an authentic modus operandi: an accountant will guide you toward full awareness of the tools used, always operating in accordance with your needs and expectations.


Casagrande Consulting has more than 40 years of working with professionals and businesses from all sectors, both Italian and foreign. This decades of experience is accompanied by constant training by the firm's accountants.


A team of qualified and competent accountants, prepared to deal with your needs while respecting your requirements: concrete support, timely and reliable help for individuals and companies. These are the guarantees of Casagrande Consulting.

Request the assistance of an employment consultant in Venice, Mestre or Spinea

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