

Commercialista e Consulente del lavoro a Spinea

Via Gorizia 1/A
30038 Spinea (Venezia)

Tel.: +39 041 5411320 Fax: +39 041 995317

Orari di apertura:
08:30 – 13:00 | 15:00 – 18:30

Commercialista e Consulente del lavoro a Mestre

Via Torino, 151/B
30174 Mestre (VE)

Tel.: +39 041 8504711 Fax: +39 041 8504714

Orari di apertura:
08:30 – 13:00 | 15:00 – 18:30

Commercialista e Consulente del lavoro a Venezia

San Polo, 2961
30125 Venezia (VE)

Tel.: +39 041 4585779

Orari di apertura:
Su appuntamento

Economic and financial analysis

Some economic and financial analysesrealized by Casagrande Consulting

Thanks to their preparation and experience in the service of dozens of clients, the professionals of the Casagrande Consulting firm can concretely assist companies in planning their business: thanks to an in-depth and articulated economic-financial analysis, they are in fact able to extrapolate all the information necessary to define the most efficient business model and the best operations to implement it.

  • Business plan
  • Break even analysis
  • Complex economic and financial planning

Request an economic-financial analysis from the Casagrande Consulting firm

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