

Commercialista e Consulente del lavoro a Spinea

Via Gorizia 1/A
30038 Spinea (Venezia)

Tel.: +39 041 5411320 Fax: +39 041 995317

Orari di apertura:
08:30 – 13:00 | 15:00 – 18:30

Commercialista e Consulente del lavoro a Mestre

Via Torino, 151/B
30174 Mestre (VE)

Tel.: +39 041 8504711 Fax: +39 041 8504714

Orari di apertura:
08:30 – 13:00 | 15:00 – 18:30

Commercialista e Consulente del lavoro a Venezia

San Polo, 2961
30125 Venezia (VE)

Tel.: +39 041 4585779

Orari di apertura:
Su appuntamento

Legal Consultancy

Casagrande Consulting's integrated legal advice

Casagrande Consulting accounting firm cooperates with several law firms of the Venice area, thus providing its customers with an integrated legal support, tailored to different needs.

Legal and commercial cross-sector knowledge are becoming more and more important especially in our days, since the boundaries of the economic activities and more extended and blurred.

Our network of long-term partners, together with our experience, complementary to the legal field, allows us to provide a highly professional quick and streamlined response to our customers.

Typical examples of integrated legal consultancy are:

  • Credit recovery
  • Corporate consultancy on complex matters
  • Support on labour disputes
  • Disputes with customers and suppliers

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